A Year in Reading In Progress

At the end of each year, editors, writers, fans and readers begin reflecting on and ticking off their favorite reads of the year. There were so many to choose from around the world, and it was exciting to see what others have been buying at the local bookstore, Looking Glass, or pulling from the new-reads shelves at the library both in town and here on campus at Eastern Oregon University. I am looking forward to going back over my own checklists for my top picks, and I will be posting them in the coming weeks.

There are of course plenty of books that I did not get to tackle this year, but they remain on the To-Read List, which I will also edit and post to keep pushing them to the top of the pile as we move into the new year.

I will also be putting together a list of recommended readings for the first part of 2016, with a list of both debut and longtime favorite writers to consider that will soon be entering the circuit.

As you go about buying books for the holidays, whether as gifts or to tackle yourselves when putting that airplane seat into barely-recline mode or getting into over a cup of coffee in the morning, think about what your favorites were, and also what you missed to read but want to pick up or borrow from friends.

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